
Our Story

I am the Mimic Curator! I rescue, and care for rare creatures known as "Mimics." I have so many eager baby Mimics awaiting their chance for love. Please adopt them and give them a loving home that isn't mine!

About the Mimics

Commons - These guys are basic, but just as pointy. They won't be as flashy as rares but have just as much personality.
Some Common traits include:

  • Common Skins
  • White teeth
  • Pink Flat Tongues
  • Guaranteed to bite

- These guys have a unique traits compared to the other mimics. You can find a few in the shop, but more are available at Adoption Events !
Some Rare traits include:

  • Unique Skin from Commons
  • Gold Teeth
  • Black Teeth
  • Black Tongues
  • Forked Tongues
  • Guaranteed to bite


Rescues - These guys are strays I pick up on my travels. They have wear and defects from surviving in the wild. Because of this, I'll offer you a discount. They'll require a little extra love compared to the others. They can be Rares or Commons.

Why Adopt a Baby Mimic?

  • No vet vists or shots
  • Take them Anywhere
  • Protects small treasures and dice from greedy hands
  • Not big enough to eat you
  • Great conversation starter with new party members
  • Extremly loyal and won't eat you when they get bigger


*I am not responsible for any lost fingers, toes, or other extremities if you adopt a baby mimic.